
A healthy outside starts from the inside

We want nothing more than getting you in a pink of health concerning your mind, body and skin. We believe that nature has solutions for our well being and we harness those nutrients in the best way and bring it to you through our products.

“We believe in no chemicals ideology”

We are more inclined towards comprehending a medley of natural ingredients and keeping away chemical preservative-infused ingredients. Many products claim to be harsh chemical-free but none of them are zero percent free of chemicals. Even modest chemical preservative or fragrance/perfume as you could see in many product labels could be damaging to our skin in the long run.

It is important to make sure that we take the right steps to protect ourself from the various environmental aggressors and harmful pollutants which could possibly interfere with our health.

A healthy outside starts from the inside

We want nothing more than getting you in a pink of health concerning your mind, body and skin. We believe that nature has solutions for our well being and we harness those nutrients in the best way and bring it to you through our products.

“We believe in no chemicals ideology”

We are more inclined towards comprehending a medley of natural ingredients and keeping away chemical preservative-infused ingredients. Many products claim to be harsh chemical-free but none of them are zero percent free of chemicals. Even modest chemical preservative or fragrance/perfume as you could see in many product labels could be damaging to our skin in the long run.

It is important to make sure that we take the right steps to protect ourself from the various environmental aggressors and harmful pollutants which could possibly interfere with our health.

“ Conserve ecosystem- conserve future”

“ Conserve ecosystem- conserve future”

Off-beat approach

Our obsessive passion for a natural way of living has driven us to bring out these alternative beauty care for skin and hair.


One of our key ingredients spirulina, a blue-green algae is a nature’s asset that has been meticulously cultured and grown in an environmentally sound region away from urban pollution. With the WHO renowned ingredient, we just made an effort to include this super green in all our products including health supplements and green tea, to utilize its fullest potential.


And we are proud to say that Valarlife is the first of its kind in India to bring in spirulina, the superfood to beauty care and beverages.

Eco-friendly mission

Plastic trash has become so ubiquitous that Plastic pollution has become one of the most pressing environmental issues. Production has increased exponentially, from 2.3 million tons in 1950 to 448 million tons by 2015. Production is expected to double by 2050.


Taking this into account we have made better product design and opted out for sustainable eco-friendly packaging for all our products that will reduce its overall environmental footprint.


This way we are making it a point to be socially and environmentally responsible.

Off-beat approach

Our obsessive passion for a natural way of living has driven us to bring out these alternative beauty care for skin and hair.


One of our key ingredients spirulina, a blue-green algae is a nature’s asset that has been meticulously cultured and grown in an environmentally sound region away from urban pollution. With the WHO renowned ingredient, we just made an effort to include this super green in all our products including health supplements and green tea, to utilize its fullest potential.


And we are proud to say that Valarlife is the first of its kind in India to bring in spirulina, the superfood to beauty care and beverages.

Eco-friendly mission

Plastic trash has become so ubiquitous that Plastic pollution has become one of the most pressing environmental issues. Production has increased exponentially, from 2.3 million tons in 1950 to 448 million tons by 2015. Production is expected to double by 2050.


Taking this into account we have made better product design and opted out for sustainable eco-friendly packaging for all our products that will reduce its overall environmental footprint.


This way we are making it a point to be socially and environmentally responsible.

“ We believe in living in the now and the future. Because our decisions have a long-term influence and we make them with diligence”

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Our Virtue 

We thrive to bring you the affordable best quality products with sustainability and transparency of ingredients

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Our Passion 

Explore a natural way of living and incorporate it into everyday lifestyle

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Our Ideology

To make a wide range of earth-friendly, chemical-free products

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Our Virtue 

We thrive to bring you the affordable best quality products with sustainability and transparency of ingredients

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Our Passion 

Explore a natural way of living and incorporate it into everyday lifestyle

Valar Life Favicon

Our Ideology

To make a wide range of earth-friendly, chemical-free products

Our Best Sellers

Slide Spirulife Product IMMUNITY BOOSTER If you’ve been yearning for a completely natural, plant-based alternative to the numerous immunity booster capsules that exist in the market today, Spirulife is your answer! Great Source of Protein Great for Cell Regeneration Rich in Phytonutrients Buy Now Slide Morilife Product BODY DETOX Are you someone who suffers from periodic bouts of bacterial infections, acne breakouts, sluggishness, frequent exhaustion, and bloating? Then, you might want to introduce Valar Life's Morilife capsules into your life. Specifications for spirulina and spirumore Powerful Anti-Oxidant Powerhouse of Iron Speedup Weight Loss Buy Now Slide Spirumore Product BRAIN ENHANCER Step up your brain game, ramp up your mental agility, elevate cognitive function, and heighten memory capacities with the aid of Valar Life's Spirumore, brain-enhancing capsules. SuperFood for Kids Improves Brain Functioning Neuroprotector Buy Now

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